Rachel Puru - Woven Whānau Lead Facilitator alongside grandparents raising their mokopuna

Rachel is māmā to 2 sons and 2 daughters and 6 beautiful mokopuna. She has been raising 2 of her mokopuna full-time for over 4 years and is passionate about being alongside grandparents raising their mokopuna.

Having walked the walked, Rachel understands the intricacies of navigating the journey that grandparents will be going on when they first become full time carers of their mokopuna.

Rachel’s role will help connect grandparents raising their mokopuna to community support as fits their individual situation. She is looking forward to being alongside new whānau and nurturing them on their journey.

rachel@wovenwhanau.org.nz ph 027 355 9411


Beth Savage - Woven Whānau Lead Facilitator alongside Parents and Parent Facilitators

Beth is a mom (yes, it’s the American in her) to 2 girls. Since moving to Whanganui with her husband and children just before the pandemic, they enjoy the family feel of Whanganui and exploring all of the area has to offer. She is excited to be alongside Parents and the Facilitators for Woven Whānau. As a Life Coach and previous experience in Marketing and Community Led Development, she enjoys creating opportunities for people to explore what is important to them, to empower them with strategies and help create a path that allows them to thrive in their community.

office@wovenwhanau.org.nz Ph: 021 384 255


Lynette Archer, Woven Whānau Coordinator

Lynette is a Mum to 4 sons and 2 daughters, blessed with 3 granddaughters so far. Previously facilitated the SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents) Initiative in Whanganui. Lynette began walking alongside families when hosting playgroups and has always been passionate about seeing whānau and tamariki able to be the best they can be. Lynette loves the Woven Whānau philosophy of all whānau in Whanganui reaching their full potential to love, nurture and care for each other, extending to those around them.

lynette@wovenwhanau.org.nz ph 021 031 8571