Collecting voices

We collect the voices of parents to help us keep whānau at the heart of what we do: real people whose lives have been transformed. Over the years we have noticed a common theme: parents who connect with others and build strong healthy relationships with other whānau find they have the capacity to go on to bigger things, often finding a place of contributing back into their community. (stories are shared with permission and real names are not used for privacy reasons)

“Sometimes success could be a lifted head.”

how connecting at Parent Space makes a difference…

“When I go to groups, people are polite, but they don’t get this stuff I’m going through. Here, parents talk about what’s real.”

 “I knew for my own mental health I needed to get out and meet other parents. I love that this place is for the parents, not so much for the babies.”

 “It has been so encouraging to have a space to step away from the busyness of family life and share struggles, wins, fears and excitements. Thanks for the cups of tea, choccy biscuits and most of all an understanding and listening ear.  It gave me the encouragement to know I’m doing OK as a parent and the strength to keep going.  Thanks for being my ‘village’.”

 “it’s a place that’s not home to download and get advice.  A place where I have no responsibility, where I can temporarily take the burdens off my shoulders.”

Sometimes friends don’t really want to hear about your dramas.  Being allowed to get it off my chest here really helps me to reflect and it builds my confidence because I am then able to know what to try next. ”

“I love having a space that I can pop in to and download my morning or my week – it reminds me that I’m normal and makes the rest of my day go much better.”

The testimonies of lives transformed speak for themselves.

A. 3 years connected to initiative

BACKGROUND: parenting 4 children, family harm. Oranga Tamariki involvement. No secondary qualifications.

NOW: made a conscious effort to break the cycle, moved cities. Now in stable relationship and working full time.

B. 3 years connected to initiative

BACKGROUND:parenting 2 children, major health needs, anxiety. NCEA level 1.

NOW: Has been Board of Trustees member, gone on to study to be a Teacher

C. 2 years connected to initiative

BACKGROUND: Mum of 6 children, 3 years Secondary School, parenting on own. Post-natal depression. Nurturing and inclusive

NOW: completed teacher aiding qualifications, working full time as a teacher aide

D. 3 years connected to initiative

BACKGROUND: 3 children, completed 6th form, dysfunctional relationships (since came together). Natural all rounder.

NOW: Completed study in BSW, working as a social worker.

E. 2 years connected to initiative

BACKGROUND: 2 children, no secondary qualifications, dysfunctional relationship (since divorced).

NOW: Registered nurse.